#2-Yelp Review by Moonbeam R.

I'm responding to this for the benefit of potential clients looking to find a stylist. When I am searching reviews, looking for a service provider,  I look to see what the owner has to say for themselves following a poor review. It can shed light.  I came across this review about 5 months after it was posted. I don't know who it is, but that's fine. I'm assuming this is a legit client with an actual experience.
This is the review:

"***   1/20/2015    
I went to her after seeing all these 5-star reviews but was disappointed. Her place is really small and dark, which doesn't really matter but what got to me were the fumes. It made me nauseous. And she just kept talking on and on (except when she had the mask on) which didn't help with the nausea. Afterwards, I followed ALL of her instructions and even got the proper shampoo but the results were not good at all. It was still frizzy and curly.
But there were some good points: She is very nice. She is very knowledgeable. My hair wasn't damaged. It was easier to straighten my hair with hot iron at home (kind of defeated purpose of the straightening process.....).
I've had my hair  before by someone else and it had actually lasted a couple of months and looked good! So I know it can be done. I just haven't found someone to do it in Portland yet. So my search still continues......"

My response is;
First off, it's true :) I can chit-chat too much, especially when over caffeinated :) My sincere apologies to Moonbeam, and everyone else, who gets me on a particularily chatty day. I can even annoy myself, so please don't hesitate in letting me know you'd prefer quiet. I actually also prefer that as well.
Salon being small and dark: Not much I can do about that, and I am certain it does not interfere with the straightening service.
Fumes: Yes, I also think they are totally nauseating, which is why I wear a respriator. Folks who are sensitive to the fumes(like myself) will be greatly bothered by them. I highly recommend clients bring a respirator with them(Before Covid, a respirator was provided, but that in no longer the case). The respirator entirely eliminates the problem for sensitive people. Some clients are greatly affected by the fumes and some clients like the smell of them..... to each his own.
Expectations: Anyone who reads through my websight knows that I absolutely do not, and never have, stated that semi-permanent Straightening will eliminate the need for flatironing/styling. In fact, I clearly state that everyone should come in with no expectations since SP-S will take to everyone differently. And it is impossible to predict what the results will be. No brand of SP-S on the market will guarantee results that are flatironed straight. Most only go as far as advertising that their product is good for "Smoothing".  That is absolutely not what SP-S was ever intended to do.
Now, the thing that I am most concerned with is that Moonbeam feels that another SP-S service she had, actually went straighter. Of course, being someone who wants to have the best product available to mankind, I would love the opportunity to find out more about the service she is comparing my service to. Unfortunately, since she is anonymous, I have no way of finding out what exactly she had done, and if it was a SP-S or some kind of mis-marketed permanent straightening. This is entirely unhelpful for me and for potential clients looking for a stylist. If moombeam had listed the brand, or salon, or stylist that she thought was better, we'd have something to go on, and I might have something helpful or insightful to say about it.  All brands reformulated a few years ago, so it's entirely likely that she had the original version of some brand used on her, which would explain why it might have stuck better since the original formulas were stronger. Also, there is a list of variables, a mile long, as to why else the treatment didn't seem to do as well.....but, alas, we will never know. None the less, I have no hard feelings and should Moonbeam choose to ever give me a second try, her/his treatment will be free of charge, sincerely.

I stand behind my work and all clients are seriously encouraged to let me know when disappointments happen. It is absolutely imperative to all my clients that I am made aware of any kind of disappointment, asap. It is a disservice to all my clients to not allow me the opportunity to asses an issue and improve the service as a result. To be disappointed and then post an incomplete review, withholding critical information regarding a place/brand that may be superior, truly serves no one. Not the potential clients, nor the current clients of UnSprung.

We're all in this together, as guinea pigs, so lets help each other out as much as we can.  :)