The day after a mass email was sent by Brazilian Blowout, apologizing
for the continued bad publicity of their product,(but in no way actually
apologizing for their marketing tactics), papers outlining the class
action lawsuit against Brazilian Blowout arrived to the salon. Anyone
who has ever purchased products from Brazilian Blowout is automatically
included in the lawsuit, unless they take action to remove themselves
from the lawsuit. The grounds for complaint are solely that the company
misrepresented their product.
The made the following claims that were categorically false;
1. The product is made in America(actually made in Brazil, but packaged in L.A.)
2. Totally free of any toxic anything(actually contained the highest levels of formaldehyde of any brand)
3. So natural, even pregnant stylists and clients are safe using it(absolutely false and this claim started it's own category of lawsuits again BB)