#8- What is your true opinion on the Semi-Permanent technology?

Here's my schpeel,
Seriously, I LOVE it. I switched from Japanese straightening my hair at Shige Kosuda's salon in Manhattan, to Semi-permanent Straightening(SP-S) in Spring of 2007. The protection that SP-S gives is completely new in the world of hair. No other conditioner, treatment, protein pack, etc.....actually laminates the hair like a SP-S. NOTHING. We've carried all the really nice at-home Japanese treatments, and have done the various in-salon treatments for clients over the years. And, we really loved them.....up until now ;). As far as I'm concerned, SP-S replaces and improves upon ANY other treatment that can be done on the hair to improve health and chemically straighten simultaneously.  I took very very good care of my japanese straightened hair, and still would get split ends when my hair reached collar bone length, simply because Permanent straightening is a bond breaking procedure that weakens the hair, no matter how well it's done. Whereas SP-S is a laminating procedure. All the curl bonds are still strong and connected after SP-S, because they're just overridden, not broken. Forget for a second that SP-S also smooths down the fuzzies, this treatment is perfect for ANYONE who has trouble growing healthy hair. Now, no amount of SP-S coating will protect the hair from frequent flatironing damage. People, you need to stop the flatironing if you want healthy hair, period. But for those of you who don't flatiron and still get damage, like myself, it can be pretty frustrating because you know you're doing everything you can to pamper your hair. I'm telling you, give SP-S a year(3-4 treatments) and you'll be seeing a definite, noticeable difference. You'll feel a difference after one treatment, but the reason I say give it year is because if your hair is already fried, it's fried. The coating will make it feel better, but ultimately the hair is fried. Putting the coating on it will keep it from getting worse off, but if the ends are already split, there's no repairing them, so you need to trim off the splits. But all the hair following that, will be preserved, and multiple treatments really do accumulate up to @3, and fortify the hair amazingly well. In a year, 6 inches of new hair will have grown, and hopefully, 6 inches of old hair have been cut off potentially, so you will really feel like you have a new head of hair. I haven't had one client who didn't notice a difference in the health of their hair after SP-S. There is definitely a place for really nice shampoos and conditioners, but none of them really fortify or preserve the hair beyond several shampoos and they can cost ultimately way more money over a 4 month period than SP-S, depending on what you're buying. 
What else can I say about it......I'm shocked that every single salon is not doing this process. It's such a benefit for the client's hair. Not to be overly dramatic, but with all the other toxic chemical services happening in salons(acrylic nails, bleach fumes, ammonia fumes, aerosol sprays in the air), it's ridiculous to avoid this one.