Ion Keratin Smoothing
Many clients would benefit from a DIY SP-S treatment, especially for the fuzzies around the face that tend to pop out well before the entire head needs a treatment. Many requests have been made to the favorite in-salon brand to launch a take-home version, and hopefully someday that will be available.
In the mean time, Ion Keratin Smoothing Treatment is the best so far of the take-home versions. 3, 1/2 & 1/2 heads have been done so far, comparing Ion to Global's current resistant formula. Global goes flatter and reduces the volume more than the Ion treatment. However, the Ion treatment does take the hair to about the same straightness as Global initially, but wears off about 2x as fast.
Currently, the Ion Keratin Smoothing Treatment is the favorite take-home keratin treatment available at Sally's Beauty Supply.